WallySci's Accelerometer sensor is used to measure 3 directional linear acceleration forces (or proper acceleration) with a full-scale range of ±3g. Acceleration forces along each axis are presented in the form of analog signals with a bandwidth of 500Hz. Therefore, it can measure static acceleration forces, like the continuous force of gravity or, as is the case with most of the games, dynamic movements, or vibrations.
What is proper acceleration and how is it useful?
Proper acceleration is the acceleration of a body in its own instantaneous frame of reference. For example, a stationary accelerometer sensor placed on the surface of the earth will detect acceleration due to Earth's gravity but the sensor in a free fall will output zero value
The accelerometer has many applications, one of them is the control of the user interface for Games. By measuring the acceleration due to gravity (which always points downward), a 3D accelerometer can be used to detect the orientation of the controller it is attached to. Moreover, Gesture controls like linear hand motions or double-tap can also be easily detected.

The accelerometer inside a gamepad enhance the gaming experience
Material Required

WallySci E3K DCPU

WallySci E3K Accelerometer

Connection Diagram

Connections between DCPU and Accelerometer
The first step is to capture the Accelerometer Data. This will be achieved by connecting the Accelerometer with the DCPU which has 6 Analog input channels. As the Accelerometer provides acceleration values along three orthogonal axes, 3 analog channels will be used. (See download section for the codes)
More details will be added soon...
Codes will be added soon